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Flashbacks of 10th Anniversary Celebration


Time:2012-11-30 11:15:04 Clicks:


Nov.3rd, 2012 was a big day for all the students and faculties in JUFE International School. We merrily gathered in the campus , with distinguished guests and outstanding graduates from all over the world, and celebrated the tenth anniversary of International School

From an idea through implementation, the celebration embodied painstaking efforts of everyone in our school, showing our progress in heading towards the goal of nurturing international talents.

And when flashing back to the classic moments of the anniversary, we could still call back the great rapture, which also urges us to strive harder for our dream.

World Higher Education Development Forum

-- Dialogue between Chinese and Western education

The World Higher Education Development Forum was lectured by Alois Guillaume, the director of Embassy of France to P.R.China, Angus Bjarnason, the consul of the Embassy of England to P.R.China,as well as Cai Shenggui, the director of the International Corporation and Communication.


In the forum, the directors introduced about the current situation and future development of education in Britain,France and China respectively, discussed about the approaches to develop international higher education, and expressed great aspiration of cooperation.

Academic lecture -- Knowledge traveling across the ocean

The World Famous Professor Lecture was delivered by Prof.Mitzi Sturgeon White from Harvard University Extension School and Prof.Tom Kosnik from Stanford University.


Prof. Kosnik revealed The Secret to Creating New Market and Disrupting Existing Market, enlightening us of determinant factors and different strategies in different market; Prof. White introduced about the Regulation of U.S. Financial System, elaborating from various aspects and levels. From the lecture, we not only gained the latest academic information, but also appreciated the glamour of professors from the world-renowned universities.

Live Microblogging -- Not in Nanchang, Still in the spot

“Hello everyone, I am Zhou Quan from 2005 International Finance Class 1.It is six to 2 o’clock in the morning in Sweden. Although I can not spend this wonderful night with you all, I am pretty delighted that I can give my best wish to our school with speech from remote North Europe.”At the beginning of the Celebration Party, we connected with alumni and students abroad. There is no exaggeration to say that this celebration is a great success and a grand meeting extended through time and space.


As early as May, our school began to plan how to take the chance of Tenth Anniversary to reinforce direct communication with students from home and abroad and provide timely information about International School’s education reform and achievement. We made use of all the public communication platforms, taking special home page, renren, QQ as examples, posting video, photos, special reports, articles, and receiving more than 3000 meaningful messages. More importantly, over 50000 website visits had been made in the last ten days. We communicated and exchanged ideas with students efficiently and effectively.

Jiangxi provincial press authorities,the jxnews. com. cn reported the event and commented that the Microblog Wall was an innovative attempt. By posting what you want to say to International School in the microblog, you can know what is going on and experience the hot atmosphere in the spot.

 Love in International School, Continuing in Love

Fang Yuan, a student from 2010 International Finance Class 4,said that it is not the fabulous stage, lighting or program that touch the deepest place in our hearts ,but the sense of pride and belonging. The same praise goes to the book named Love in International School, which is a special record of the footprint of International School in last ten years.


The Composition Competition officially started in Nov.25th,2011,it aroused a lot of attention, and a large number of students wrote about their story with International School. But their affection and gratitude to International School is beyond words. Among all the composition we had received, some were wrote by alumni in memory of the old teaching building, some were wrote by the parents to deliver their appreciate to our school, some were wrote by students to talk about their campus life in International School.

Looking back, there were thorns and tears. Looking forward,there are cheers and laughter.We still have a long way to go.