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Journalism and photography training was a success


Time:2011-11-15 08:16:40 Clicks:


On the afternoon of 31st October, the Reporters Group and the Communications Department jointly held a training session on journalism and photography in room 1404 in the Southern Campus. Every department and class from the 2011 intake sent students to participate in the training.

At the beginning of the training, Li Xiaoxiao, head of the Reporters Group, gave an introduction on the skills of journalism, how to select news, and the attributes required of a news reporter. Li Xiaoxiao gave a well-prepared lecture with examples for each point of view, making it lively and practical. After this, Zheng Hongji from the Communications Department talked about photojournalism. His brief introduction to news reporting began with the question: “What is evoked by photojournalism?” He also selected a series of pictures representative of the genre, and explained how to capture fine details, how best to convey a view, and other related issues. Finally, Yang Yang, deputy head of the Communications Department, demonstrated the whole procedure of uploading the articles onto the website of the International School. The training was conducted in a relaxed and cheerful way. Students took notes conscientiously, as if they would like to grasp every detail for use in their publicity and reporting.

The training was rounded off by a warm applause from the students. The training has given the students a basic knowledge about journalism and photography. Li Xiaoxiao, the head of the Reporters Group, and Yu Ming, the head of the Communications Department, said that they hoped students have learned something useful during this training course and will be able to contribute to the publicity work of the International School’s student activities.